Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Department Seminar Series - Elaine Hollensbe - University of Cincinnati - Thursday, May 23rd 2019

The Management Department
Department Seminar Series

Elaine Hollensbe

University of Cincinnati

Thursday, May 23rd 2019
   Room LE CLUB  at 10:00 am

Theme“Publishing Qualitative Work in Top-Tier Journals - 23rd May, 10.00 - 12.00”

  Abstract:  One of the most challenging aspects of qualitative research is telling a convincing and compelling story that clears the hurdle for contribution in a top journal.  In this workshop, I will present strategies for developing strong qualitative papers and getting them published in top outlets.  In particular, I will discuss tactics for designing the study, managing the coding and analysis process, writing up the paper, ensuring rigor and trustworthiness, and responding to reviewers.  The workshop will include an interactive component and time at the end for participants’ questions and discussion.  All are welcome to attend, including those currently working on or considering a qualitative project, those who review or might review qualitative work, or quantitative researchers who would like to learn more about qualitative methods.