Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ESSEC Management Seminar Series 2019-2020

To follow the seminar series on Tweeter, use #EssecManagementSeminarSeries

The list of upcoming seminars in 2019-2020 academic year:

Martin Ruef (Duke University)24/09/2019
Sujin Jang (INSEAD)01/10/2019
Hart Posen (Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison)07/11/2019
Isabel Fernandez-Mateo (London Business School)04/02/2020
Kaisa Snellman (INSEAD)10/03/2020
Phanish Puranam (INSEAD)19/03/2020
Myles Shaver (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota)23/03/2020
Jerker Denrell (Warwick University)24/03/2020
Anu Wadhwa (Imperial College London)05/05/2020
Simone Santoni (Cass Business School, City University of London)19/05/2020
Stan Markus (Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina)28/05/2020

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

ESSEC at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston

This August, Faculty and PhD students from ESSEC Participated in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston.

From August 9-13, 2019, the Academy of Management (AOM) hosted their Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. AOM is the largest association of scholars dedicated to management and organization science and represents approximately 19,000 members from 119 countries This year’s Annual Meeting brought more than 11,000 students, academics, scholars, and professionals, including 23 faculty and students from ESSEC Business School.

For the third time ESSEC Business School organized an event for the job market candidates, PhD alumni, and friends of the school. Held at Westin Copley Place, the breakfast reception was an important networking opportunity and an occasion for the potential future faculty to learn more about the school and meet the members of the recruitment committee. In the past ESSEC has received over 125 applications for the three available positions.

In 2020, the event will take place in Vancouver, and will focus on such pressing challenges like conflicts, discrimination, corruption, wellbeing, economic opportunity and equality, climate change, as well as changes in management research and education.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Department Seminar Series - Charlene Zietsma - PSU - Tuesday, June 25th 2019

The Management Department
Department Seminar Series

Charlene Zietsma
Pennsylvania State University

Tuesday, June 25th 2019 -  Room PA115  at 10:00 am

Theme:  “The Microfoundations of Belief and Behavior Change: A Field Experiment on the Efficacy of Frame Bridging and Frame Shifting Strategies for Stimulating Innovative Entrepreneurship”

   Abstract: Although institutions gain their strength through broad-based social agreement, institutional change begins at the individual level, with a shift in individual beliefs or judgments of what is appropriate, acceptable, and legitimate. Prior work suggests that this shift occurs as the mental models, or frames, that individuals use to make decisions change. Frames may be changed either through frame bridging, involving constructing connections between new ideas and analogous or familiar frames, or through frame shifting, involving cutting off an association to a past frame in order to switch to a new one. To understand the relative efficacy of these two framing strategies in changing perceptions and behavior, we tested them in a field experiment conducted in rural Sri Lanka, using entrepreneurship training programs which attempted to reframe entrepreneurship as innovation rather than replication of time-tested models. Our findings contribute to an understanding of the link between the microfoundations perspective on institutional change and the framing literature by identifying factors for predicting how and when a given framing strategy will resonate with its intended audience and lead to belief and behavior change, and to the entrepreneurship literature by shedding light on how individuals are most effectively motivated to identify and act on innovative opportunities.

Friday, May 24, 2019

MOS WORKSHOP - Fabrice Cavarretta - Tuesday, June 11th 2019 - 9:15 am

The Management Department & The Research Center

will present his paper

 Tuesday, June 11th 2019
   Room N231 – 9:15 a.m. in Cergy
3:15 p.m. in Singapore

Theme: Managerial paradigms: modeling managerial action at the edge of rationality and social construction

Boundedly rational managerial actors cannot take into account the full spectrum of valid theories about the world. Even for professional scientists, the representation of the world has been demonstrated to be simplified, constrained, and clustered into compact system of beliefs made popular by Kuhn under the label of paradigm. Paradigms have been documented in various fields, including in managerial context. The modeling of managerial representations is greatly enhanced through this construct. Furthermore, a paradigmatic analysis suggests caring of various phenomena such as shifts and tensions. Regarding theories about action that are intended to be enacted by actors, they would benefit of paradigmatic labor such as contrasting.