Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Department Seminar Series - FELIPE CSASZAR - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - Tuesday, November 13th 2018

The Management Department
Department Seminar Series

Tuesday, November 13th 2018

   Room LE CLUB  at 10:00  am

Theme“Organizing for Disruptive Innovation: Untangling the Cognitive and Structural Antecedents of Adoption and Implementation”

   Abstract: This paper studies how cognitive and structural antecedents affect adaptation to disruptive innovations.  We do so by analyzing how video game firms adapted to the introduction of the "free-to-play" business model around the period of disruption (2012-2015).  Our dataset (which contains 461 firms, collectively employing 83,157 individuals) allows us to characterize each firm's organizational structure and each employee's experience profile; it also captures the performance of firms along both S-curves (that is, firms that do and do not adopt the innovation).  We show that cognitive and structural antecedents affect adoption, implementation under the existing S-curve, and implementation under the new S-curve in different and often opposite ways.  We also point out conditions under which cognitive and structural antecedents can compensate for each other.  Overall, our study contributes to a better understanding of how firms should organize to face disruptive innovations.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Pan-Industrial Revolution: How New Manufacturing Titans Will Transform the World

J'ai trouvé ce nouvel ouvrage de Richard D'Aveni (auteur de Hypercompetition, 1994) particulièrement intéressant. Richard présente une analyse économique et stratégique d'un écosystème technologique construit autour des technologies additives, plus connues sous le nom d'imprimante 3D. Dans son analyse, il compare les approches traditionnelles de production des biens avec ces écosystèmes émergents autour des imprimantes 3D. Le titre de son ouvrage contient le mot "Révolution" et, en effet, il démontre que nous sommes très probablement au seuil d'une nouvelle révolution industrielle. Une combinaison d'économies de variété, d'échelle et d'intégration associée avec le phénomène de plateforme industrielle rend ce type écosystème particulièrement compétitif. J'ai été particulièrement surpris par les déjà très nombreuses adoptions de ces technologies par de grandes entreprises industrielles.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Department Seminar Series - SARAH KAPLAN - University of toronto

The Management Department
Department Seminar Series
University of toronto

 Tuesday, October 23rd 2018

   Room LE CLUB  at 10:00  am


  Abstract: Increasing attention – both in the scholarly literature and in the world of policy makers and practitioners – is being paid to the challenges facing female entrepreneurs. What was once assumed to be a merit-based system for encouraging and rewarding entrepreneurs is now understood to operate in gendered ways that in many cases disadvantage female founders. These effects occur across the entire pipeline, beginning with the dearth of women seeking to start high growth companies, to the lack of funding opportunities and mentorship. There are substantial differences in the number of startups led by women, their levels of relevant experience and the amount of funding – both debt and equity – they seek and receive. Some have argued that women tend to found lower potential startups. Yet, even controlling for quality, we see many implicit biases in how female founders are treated. One important approach to redressing inequalities might be through the use of accelerators. Entrepreneurship accelerators are proliferating in both developed and developing economies as different cities, regions and sectors seek to increase economic growth and employment. Accelerators are designed to give a boost to startups by providing in a concentrated way the mentorship, networks, training and financing required to be successful. The presence of accelerators could have the potential to solve some of the challenges female entrepreneurs face, however preliminary evidence suggests that they, for the most part, seem to be perpetuating the gendered dynamics that exist in the entrepreneurial system. On the other hand, there is no systematic research on how accelerators do or might address the gendered dynamics of entrepreneurship. Because accelerators are seen as such an important policy tool for increasing entrepreneurial success, it is imperative that we develop and analyze systematic data on accelerators and their effects, particularly on female founders. In this study, we will draw on what is known to date on female entrepreneurs and more broadly on the research on gender in organizations and the economy to understand the dynamics of acceleration in entrepreneurship. Using a longitudinal database of over 3,000 ventures in nearly 50 accelerators, we trace the effects of selection into the accelerator and the acceleration process on outcomes for women-only, women-led, and male-only venture teams. We couple survey data with interviews of accelerators to understand whether and when acceleration can be a tool for mitigating gender bias in female entrepreneurship.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Department Seminar Series - SAMEER SRIVASTAVA - UC BERKELEY - Monday, October 29th 2018

The Management Department
Department Seminar Series


 Monday, October 29th 2018
   Room LE CLUB  at 10:00  am

Theme“Dampening the Echo: Receptiveness to Opposing Views, Majority-Minority Distance, and Network Homogeneity”

    Abstract: Social worlds often splinter into echo chambers as people preferentially form ties to others who hold similar political views and avoid affiliating with those who disagree with them. Group composition often contributes to this dynamic, with those in the ideological majority being less likely than those in the minority to form relationships with ideological opponents. This article examines how an individual difference—receptiveness to opposing views—can counteract these tendencies and thereby dampen the echo in some chambers. We develop a theoretical account of how micro-level differences in receptiveness can give rise to macro-level patterns of network heterogeneity. In particular, we theorize that prospective interaction partners who are more mutually receptive will be less prone to forming ties on the basis of political homophily or triadic closure. In groups with majority and minority factions, we further propose that mutual receptiveness will increase the propensity of group members in the political majority to form ties with minority group members. We evaluate and find support for these ideas using field data from three sites that vary in political orientation, analyzing tens of thousands of dyads composed of 599 participants. We discuss implications for research on individual differences and networks, attitude polarization, and group composition.

Department Seminar Series - DANQING WANG - UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG - Tuesday, October 16th 2018

The Management Department
Department Seminar Series


University of hong kong

 Tuesday, October 16th 2018

Level 3 board room at 4:00 pm in Singapore
10:00 a.m in Cergy Room N231

Theme“Political Leaders, Career Concerns and FDI Inflows”

   Abstract: Host governments’ role in influencing companies’ location choice for foreign direct investment (FDI) has been studied much more than the impact of individual leaders in these governments. Extending agency theory to an authoritarian government, we study how career concerns motivate local leaders to drive FDI inflows as one of the goals delegated by their superiors. We theorize that certain conditions may enhance the motivating effect of career concerns: individual and regional characteristics that increase leaders’ tendency to take risks and the alignment of leaders’ and their superiors’ interests. We test this framework by examining Chinese city leaders and FDI inflows into their cities from 2000–2010. In China, political leaders’ careers largely depend on local economic growth. Because newly appointed leaders have better prospects for promotion, they should have stronger incentives than incumbent leaders to work toward their supervisors’ interests. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find that newly appointed leaders attract more FDI inflows to their cities than incumbent leaders. This effect of political incentives is stronger for newly appointed leaders who are younger and have political connections with their direct superiors, and also for cities with weaker previous economic performance. We contribute to location studies by highlighting the role of political incentives and political leaders’ characteristics in shaping intra-national differences of FDI inflows. We also discuss theoretical implications for agency and institutional theories.