The Management Department
Department Seminar Series
Thursday, October 19th
Room N517
10:00 am
in Singapore)
Theme: “What’s
in a frame? An in-depth exploration of the role of
framing in fostering
collaboration in the context of two
environmental non-profits.”
Abstract: "This study examines the role of
framing in fostering a collaborative agreement between two environmental
non-profits in the U.S. that aimed at saving a particular type of natural
ecosystems, wetlands. Building on 87 interviews, 17 months of participant
observation, and extensive archival data, I show that framing can be a
double-edged sword that can promote, but also hinder collaboration between
seemingly compatible organizations. Unlike previous work that focused on
instances of success and portrayed framing as a strategic tool for persuading
others, my analysis documents how framing initially resonated with what the
intended recipient valued, but over time revealed a deeper-seated cultural
difference in how such value was constructed. More specifically, differences in
orders of worth, or principles used to construct the value of nature – either
as something worthy per se or for the exchange and use value of its services –
prevented collaboration between the two organizations. These findings shed
light on the underpinnings of framing resonance, highlighting the complex
cultural basis of inter-organizational collaboration."