Monday, January 6, 2020

imagination week


English version below

Chers tous,

Du 6 au 10 janvier 2020, l’iMagination Week accueillera de nouveau les 800 étudiants de la Grande Ecole / Master in Management (du 13 au 17 janvier à Singapour).

Ces 5 jours vont leur permettre de prendre de la hauteur avec des conférences d’experts des arts, des sciences, et d’autres domaines, qui pourront les inspirer, stimuler leur imagination et certainement bousculer les idées reçues. En parallèle, ce sera l’occasion pour eux également de mettre en application directe des méthodes de créativité et de travailler en équipe autour du thème suivant :

Un monde en TransitionS : de 2020 vers 2050

L’iMagination Week, placée sous le parrainage de Cécile Duflot (E00), Directrice Générale de Oxfam France et ancienne ministre, accueillera de nombreuses personnalités fortes aux parcours uniques, qui viendront partager leurs expériences avec les étudiants.

C’est avec plaisir que nous vous invitons à venir assister aux conférences plénières qui auront lieu dans le Dôme (cf. programme ci-après).
Prof. Xavier Pavie
Directeur du Centre iMagination
Directeur académique associé Programme Grande Ecole Asie Pacifique

Programme des conférences iMagination Week Grande Ecole 2020

Lundi 6 janvier - Dôme
- 14h30-15h30 : Luc Ferry (Philosophe)
Mardi 7 janvier - Dôme
09h00-10h15 : Jérôme Ruskin (Journaliste - co-fondateur de la revue Usbek & Rica)
- 17h30-18h30 : Jean-Marc Jancovici (Président du think tank The Shift Project - Membre du Haut Conseil pour le Climat)
Mercredi 8 janvier - Dôme
09h00-10h15 : Antoine Compagnon (Professeur de littérature au Collège de France)
- 14h30-15h45 : Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (Professeur en Sciences de l’Information - Président du Comité d’éthique du CNRS)
Jeudi 9 janvier - Dôme
- 09h00-10h15 :Rob Hopkins (Créateur en 2005 du mouvement des territoires en transitions - activiste et écrivain)
- 17h00-18h15 : Marie Monmont (“des barres de chocolat derrière les barreaux “)
Vendredi 10 janvier - Dôme
- 13h30-14h00 : Madame Moustache (Street-artiste)
- 14h00-16h00 : Remise des prix et mot de clôture de Cécile Duflot.



Dear all,

From 6 to 10 January, iMagination Week will once again welcome the 800 students of the Grande Ecole / Master in Management program (13 to 17 janvier in Singapore).

These 5 days will allow them to take height with conferences of experts in arts,  sciences, and other domains, who will be able to inspire them, stimulate their imagination and perhaps shake up the preconceived ideas. In parallel, it will also be an opportunity for them to apply creativity methods directly and to work as a team around the following theme: 

A world in TransitionS : from 2020 towards 2050

The iMagination Week, under the patronage of Cécile Duflot (E00), Executive Director of Oxfam France, and former minister, will welcome many strong personalities with unique backgrounds, who will share their experiences with students.

We are pleased to invite you to attend to the plenary lectures in the Dôme (see program below).

Best regards,

Prof. Xavier Pavie
iMagination Centre Director
Academic Director Master in Management Asia Pacific

iMagination Week Grande Ecole 2020 Conference Program

Monday 6 January - Dôme
- 14h30-15h30 : Luc Ferry (Philosopher)
Tuesday 7 January - Dôme
- 09h00-10h15 : Jérôme Ruskin (Journalist - co-founder of the Usbek & Rica magazine)
- 17h30-18h30 : Jean-Marc Jancovici (President of the think tank “The Shift Project” - Member of the french High Council for Climate)
Wednesday 8 January - Dôme
09h00-10h15 : Antoine Compagnon (Litterature Professor at Collège de France)
- 14h30-15h45 : Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (Professor of Computer sciences - President of the Ethics Committee at CNRS)
Thursday 9 January - Dôme
- 09h00-10h15 :Rob Hopkins (Founder in 2005 of the Transition movement - activist and writer)
- 17h00-18h15 : Marie Monmont (“chocolate bars behind bars “)
Friday 10 January - Dôme
- 13h30-14h00 : Madame Moustache (Street-artist)
- 14h00-16h00 : Award ceremony and closing with Cécile Duflot.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ESSEC Management Seminar Series 2019-2020

To follow the seminar series on Tweeter, use #EssecManagementSeminarSeries

The list of upcoming seminars in 2019-2020 academic year:

Martin Ruef (Duke University)24/09/2019
Sujin Jang (INSEAD)01/10/2019
Hart Posen (Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison)07/11/2019
Isabel Fernandez-Mateo (London Business School)04/02/2020
Kaisa Snellman (INSEAD)10/03/2020
Phanish Puranam (INSEAD)19/03/2020
Myles Shaver (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota)23/03/2020
Jerker Denrell (Warwick University)24/03/2020
Anu Wadhwa (Imperial College London)05/05/2020
Simone Santoni (Cass Business School, City University of London)19/05/2020
Stan Markus (Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina)28/05/2020

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

ESSEC at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston

This August, Faculty and PhD students from ESSEC Participated in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston.

From August 9-13, 2019, the Academy of Management (AOM) hosted their Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. AOM is the largest association of scholars dedicated to management and organization science and represents approximately 19,000 members from 119 countries This year’s Annual Meeting brought more than 11,000 students, academics, scholars, and professionals, including 23 faculty and students from ESSEC Business School.

For the third time ESSEC Business School organized an event for the job market candidates, PhD alumni, and friends of the school. Held at Westin Copley Place, the breakfast reception was an important networking opportunity and an occasion for the potential future faculty to learn more about the school and meet the members of the recruitment committee. In the past ESSEC has received over 125 applications for the three available positions.

In 2020, the event will take place in Vancouver, and will focus on such pressing challenges like conflicts, discrimination, corruption, wellbeing, economic opportunity and equality, climate change, as well as changes in management research and education.